Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The End

So this is it, I think. I don't know that I have that much more to say about The X-Files that I haven't said in the course of watching 201 episodes and two movies.

This was the first, and probably the last, time I'll blog my way through a TV show I haven't seen. It's amazingly hard work and I'm very impressed by the people who can do it consistently. But I can't.

The hardest part for me was always finding something to write when I didn' like an episode. Especially on a show like The X-Files, which seemed to have a larger percentage of true clunkers than a lot of series I've seen. I think that comes from it being not heavily serialised. At least in shows with a continuous plot arc through each season or throughout the show, there's often something to redeem the bad episodes in that they keep the story going.

Not so on a show with only light serialisation. If I'd never seen 'Alpha', I really wouldn't have missed anything. And I wouldn't have had to come up with something to write about it.

But this has still been a fun year (it really was almost a year, and if I'd done individual posts for all of season one, it probably would have been a full year). I'm really glad I finally watched this show and had the chance to experience something that I somehow missed in the 1990s. It wasn't at all what I expected, but was so much more. I get it now. I understand why people love this show. And I totally get why people love Dana Scully. She is truly the best.

I know there aren't that many people out there who followed this blog regularly, but thank you for observing my experience of being completely shocked and surprised and sometimes overwhelmed by this series.

The truth is out there.


  1. Congratulations!!!

    For me, I guess, the final few seasons of X-Files being so different (focus spread to include Reyes and Doggett and far less Mulder) kind of reminded me of Babylon 5 and Crusade and what that might have been if it had all been one series rather than a series and then a spinoff. Or I guess it's a bit Stargate + Stargate: Atlantis.

    Scully 5eva

  2. Hi Lawrence, what a great idea!! I will read every post you write. I´m so sad, that I found your page just now. If i had found it in the Beginning of 2013 it would have been so nice to watch the serial parallel to you. Thanks for reawoken the x-files :)
