Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The X-Files Season 3, Episode 24: Talitha Cumi

We've reached the end of all thingsseason 3. And it's another cliffhanger. They're going to do this a lot, aren't they? Like, every season, right?

So, we're back to the plots introduced in 'Colony' and 'End Game', I guess. OK, I like where this is going! The bounty hunter is back, though because he's played by Brian Thompson, I'm tempted to refer to him as The Judge (or possibly The Smurf).

I hope Mulder's mother manages to recover from her stroke, because seriously, these characters do not need any more death right now. Although I'm pretty convinced that by the end of the series, neither Mulder nor Scully will have any family left anyway. That's the way these things go, right?

We knew that Mulder's father knew the Cancer Man, but the fact that he now seems to be even closer to the Mulder family than we had previously thought is unnerving, to say the least. Maybe Mulder's mother was also involved in the experiments and conspiracies? I don't think we know what she did for her career, so it's possible the work she did paralleled her husband's and she now has information that the Death Eaters need to keep secret, because Mulder himself is getting too close to it.

And so, naturally, X ends up taking pictures of Cancer Man and Teena Mulder's conversation. Jesus. Whose side are you on, exactly? Why are you doing this? I mean, I thought he didn't want to get too close, but he seems to have a death wish now, because he's definitely risking exposing himself as a double agent, even if he believes Mulder can't really benefit from any information he reveals - or rather, whatever Mulder knows cannot disrupt the project.

Which brings us to the mysterious Jeremiah Smith(s). So, he's obviously a clone like we saw before in season 2, because there are a lot of him. And the one who showed up at the restaurant isn't the one who is interrogated at the FBI, and of course, it's not even Jeremiah Smith at all, but a different shapeshifter, because the real Smith (possibly) is being held captive by Cancer Man (also, yay, the name stuck, because even X used it) who actually turns out to possibly be dying from lung cancer, if Smith is to be believed.

The scene where Smith morphed into Deep Throat and Bill Mulder was especially well done, and Cancer Man seemed highly unnerved by it. Which is strange, because he knows what these people are capable of, so I'm not sure how he's exactly surprised that such a transformation is possible. Or maybe he's just shocked by who the guy appeared as, given that he was responsible for both their deaths. Perhaps he has a conscience, after all.

And the aliens apparently have some magical healing powers, as demonstrated in the otherwise inconsequential opening scene. Though I think that's largely been the case with a lot of the mythology episodes - there's something that seems unconnected, but turns out to be at least tangentially related to what Mulder and Scully are dealing with because of someone else who shows up. The initial 'case of the week' turns into something else and the case itself isn't really investigated further.

Plus, this episode kind of has it all - another confrontation between Mulder and Cancer Man, which again ends with Mulder failing to pull the trigger, because apparently Cancer Man appealed to his sense of humanity and family by saying he was just in the hospital to visit Teena? I mean, the guy is apparently human. Though I still think I'd have been pretty OK with it if Mulder has blown his brains out.

X wouldn't, though, would he? I guess X is still trying to protect Mulder here by trying to keep the weapon out of his hands - at least that's what he tells Mulder. Obviously it's more likely he has some ulterior motive with it, but it doesn't really matter since Mulder doesn't hand it over. He'd rather die for his cause than trust anyone, which, hey, good advice!

Trust no one.

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