Wednesday, January 23, 2013




Here's the deal.

I've never seen The X-Files before. I know almost nothing about it. I know there's a Mulder and a Scully, and he believes in all kinds of creepy shit and she doesn't, and that's about it.

Wait, I also know it aired on Friday nights on FOX and was popular, which I never would have thought possible for a science fiction show. (I'm still not over Firefly and Dollhouse, dammit.)

This blog was largely inspired by having spent the past year reading Mark Watches Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and Angel and Dollhouse.

And then he posted this and I thought, "Hmm, X-Files." I'm not easily triggered or squicked, so I clicked the link, did a quick ⌘-F search for 'spider', found nothing and decided that this would be a good show to watch now that Fringe is over. (Other possibilities were Heroes and Lost, and who knows, maybe I'll blog my way through those at some point, too.)

The idea of watching something completely unspoiled* (we'll get to that in a second) is appealing to me. The idea of sharing that with people who are not completely unspoiled is similarly appealing, because they'll get to laugh at me.

So, about spoilers. Don't do it. I don't have moderators, but I ask you to moderate yourselves and don't post spoilers. Use rot13 or some other mechanism for hiding them from me. (Actually, rot13 really is the best, as it's not browser or stylesheet dependent the way white on white text is.)

I don't really have rules other than be generally Good People. No trolling, no flame wars, and so on.

Oh, and one last note about spoilers: yes, I know about 'Home'.

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