Thursday, January 31, 2013

The X-Files Season 1, Episode 22: Born Again

OK, we inadvertently watched this before Tooms and I'm honestly not sure which one is more disturbing. I also don't think we missed anything by watching them out of order, but I'll certainly be more careful to check episode numbers before I click in the future.

So hey, another creepy kid shows up. I still think the Eves win on creep-factor so far, especially since Michelle's condition was only temporary. But oh so damaging in the mean time.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The X-Files Season 1, Episode 21: Tooms

Confession: I accidentally watched this episode out of order, after episode 22. But I'm posting about it first, so there.

Amusingly, they even referenced Tooms in the next episode, and it didn't even register with me. Shows how much attention I've been paying, apparently.

I do remember at the end of 'Squeeze', thinking there'd be no way they could contain the guy in a conventional cell, and there were plenty of ways he could escape, but given what I knew of the show, especially the early episodes, it was unlikely that case would ever be revisited.

And I didn't even think about that when we saw Tooms at the beginning of this episode. In fact, I was so not expecting this kind of continuity that when he appeared and started reaching through the slot in the door, I thought, "Well, at least he's not that guy from 'Squeeze', because then he could just put his entire body through there..."


Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The X-Files Season 1, Episodes 18-20

Because I don't have that many specific things to say about each of these episodes, I'll cover three - 'Miracle Man', 'Shapes', and 'Darkness Falls' - in one post.

Monday, January 28, 2013

The X-Files Season 1, Episode 17: E.B.E.

Apparently this episode is part of the 'alien mythology arc'. And to some extent, I don't even care. This was a damn good episode, either way.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

The X-Files Season 1, Episode 13: Beyond The Sea

While there have been other episodes I've thought were good, this is the first one I consider truly great.

When Scully's father appeared in the chair at night, I knew something was wrong, and it kind of surprised me that they'd kill off her father so early in the series. I didn't find his death as affecting as I've found others on TV because I never got a chance to know the character. But this was all about Dana Scully, anyway, not her father.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The X-Files, Season 1, Episodes 1-16

I've actually watched 16 episodes so far. I only decided to create this blog after having done so, so I won't be going back and creating posts for each of them.

In fact, I don't know that I'll be making separate posts for every episode, but I will at least reference every episode I've watched in a given week or so. I'm pretty sure I won't be updating this every day, but since I tend to watch 4 or 5 episodes a week, I'll probably post at least once a week, and possibly more if a particular episode stands out and I feel warrants its own post.

However, I will say that I'm really enjoying the show so far.




Here's the deal.

I've never seen The X-Files before. I know almost nothing about it. I know there's a Mulder and a Scully, and he believes in all kinds of creepy shit and she doesn't, and that's about it.